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The Consequences of Sin – Quotes, etc.

Updated: Apr 1, 2024

We humans have a great tendency to make light of sin. I will probably add to this resource in time, but for now some wisdom from those who have learned that sin should not be made light of. Thank you Jesus for becoming sin that we might become righteous, and for lingering on this fallen earth long enough to show us how to be righteous in the midst of sin.

But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the Lord, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” Numbers 32:23

This morning (4/1/24) I was meditating on Joshua ch. 7. In the previous chapter Israel conquered Jericho by closely following God's instructions/strategy. Twas a great victory or so it seemed. But in ch. 7 we learn one man (Achan) stole some things that Joshua had clearly commanded them (see 6:18) not to covet or take for themselves. Sobering that in 7:1 we are told, "But the sons of Israel acted unfaithfully in regard to the things under the ban,....", when only Achan actually broke the commandment/prohibition. What were the consequences of this single act by one man? Well first, Israel lost a battle they should have won and "about 36" of their soldiers/men died in battle (vs. 5). Second, Achan and "...his sons, his daughters, his oxen, his donkeys, his sheep, his tent and all that belonged to him; .." were stoned and burned (see vs. 24-26). What does this tell us about the far reaching effects of the sins of a father? What does this tell us about how much God values the purity of His people? Is this not why the apostle Paul told the church in Corinth re: the sins of one man in their congregation, "....Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough ? Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump...." ( I Corinthians 5:6,7).

"...She (Jerusalem) did not consider her future (literally "did not remember her latter end"). Therefore she has fallen astonishingly;...." Lamentations 1:9

“Sin is like a bloody prince that having invited several great men to a great feast flattered them one by one and then chopped of their heads.” Puritan Thomas Adams – 1583-1652

“Sin cost more than you ever expected to pay And it stays longer than you ever expected it to stay.” Author unknown

“….every seemingly unimportant omission in our spiritual practices produces some injury.” Thomas a Kempis – The Imitation of Christ – p. 24

“Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences.” Robert Louis Stevenson

“God will either show you the greatness of your sin or He will show others the greatness of your sin.” Author unknown

“The giving way to the law of sin in the least is the giving strength unto it. To let it alone is to let it grow; not to conquer it is to be conquered by it.” John Owen

“Whilst the conscience hath any means to alleviate the guilt of sin, the soul will never vigorously attempt its mortification.” John Owen

“The thorns I have reaped

Are of the tree I planted.

They have torn me and I bleed.

I should have known

What fruit would spring

From such a tree.” Lord Byron, a brilliant European poet, 1788-1824, spent his life in a mad search for pleasure.

“Christians seem to despise reality. We tend to be squeamish when looking at the destructive effects of sin. It is unpleasant to face the consequences of sin – our own and others’. To do so seems to discount the finished and sufficient work of our Savior. And so we pretend that we’re fine, when in fact, we know that something is troubling our soul. A dull ache occasionally floats to the surface, or stalking memories return in dreams or in odd thoughts during the day.

But why bother about such strange feelings when our salvation is guaranteed and life’s task is clear: trust and obey?” Dan Allender – The Wounded Heart – p. 14

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