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Gaining God's Heart and Releasing God's Moving in our Cities

(Dear Readers: Knowing God cares about our cities (see if you want to explore this more biblically), sees them as cities, and will judge them as cities; and knowing I need to have more of His heart for my city; and knowing that He calls us as His church to intercede for "...kings and all who are in authority..." (I Timothy 2:1,2) I developed a prayer tool for myself and for the folks in our congregation who live in Los Osos, which is the majority of our congregation. I then used the same format and developed one for our neighboring city - Morro Bay - wherein a number of our members live. For the leaders in these two cities I wasn't aware of, I googled and got most of the info I needed. For the Sheriff's dept., I had to walk in and ask. Thought some of you who do not worship with us but live in Los Osos might want to use this; others might want to develop a similar tool for your city).

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.” Jeremiah 29:7

Los Osos


Evangelical Churches – Baywood Park Community Church – Matt & Anita Curtis

El Morro Nazarene – Daren & Amy Pitcher;  First Baptist Los Osos – Bob & Donna Tubbs;

The Well – Los Osos – Joshua & Marina Nash; Randy & Anne Nash; Maharlika Chr. Fellowship – James & Krystal Ann Erwin Estoque;


Other Churches: St. Benedict’s Episcopal - Jen Compton; Trinity United Methodist Church - Les Lungren; Los Osos Church of Christ - Brent Willey; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church - Reverend Joey R. Buena;


Public Schools – Baywood Elementary; Monarch Grove Elementary; Los Osos Middle School;

Charter Schools – Family Partnership Charter School;  Wishing Well School; Heartland Charter School

Christian Schools – Wellspring Pre-School


Government – L.O C.S.D – Board Members

·       Matthew Fourcroy, President. Current Term December 2018 - December 2022.

·       Charles L. Cesena, Vice President. ... 

·       Troy Gatchell, Director. Current Term December 2020- December 2024. ... 

·       Marshall E. Ochylski, Director. ... 

·       Christine M. Womack, Director.

·       Ron Munds = General Manager


SLO County Sheriff’s Coast Station – Commander Stuart McDonald


South Bay Station 15 – Cal Fire

Chief – John Owens


Civic Clubs:

Rotary – John Lindsey

Kiwanis – Cheerie Katayama


South Bay Comm. Ctr. – President - Cheerie Katayama


Businesses:  Grocery Stores; Real Estate; Banks; Gas Stations; Restaurants; Coffee Shops; Insurance; Clothing Stores/Thrift Stores;


Non Profits: People Helping People; Estero Bay Kindness Coalition;

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