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Accounts of Baptism in the New Testament Post Christ’s Ascension

Updated: Jan 7, 2020

May 29, 2007

1. Acts 2:37-41 – Peter ministering to the Jews What is it they heard? Vs. 37 How did they respond? Vs. 37 What is the first thing Peter commanded them to do? Vs. 38 2nd thing? Vs. 38 What is Peter’s promise if they respond appropriately? Vs. 38 Note also his ongoing exhortation? Vs. 40 Who were the ones who got baptized according to vs. 41? What was the setting of this event? As far as we know from this passage, what is true of every person who was baptized?

2. Acts 8:12,13 – Phillip ministering to the Samaritans & Simon What was Phillip proclaiming to the Samaritans? Vs. 5 Who was being baptized according to vs. 12? What do we know about any response they might have made before they were baptized? Vs. 12 Who else got baptized there in Samaria? Vs. 13 What did he do before he was baptized – or what preceded that? Vs. 13

3. Acts 8:26-39 – Phillip ministering to the Ethiopian Eunuch Setting – Eth. Eunuch riding in his chariot back home from Jerusalem, where he had gone to worship, reading the book of Isaiah (ch. 53) outloud. What did the Holy Spirit tell Phillip to do? Vs. 29 Did the Eth. Eunuch understand what he was reading? Vs. 30,31 What was the Eth. Eunuch’s confusion re: Isa. 53? Vs. 34 What did Phillip talk to this guy about? Vs. 35 How long might this conv. Have taken? Vs. 35,36 Whose idea was it for the eunuch to get baptized? Vs. 36 What came first baptism or belief? What result did this experience have on the Eunuch? Vs. 39

4. Acts 9:17,18 – Ananias ministering to Saul/Paul (cf. 22:12-16) How did Ananias address Paul? What was his initial concern for Paul? 9:17; 22:14,15 How did Ananias feel about Paul potentially delaying baptism? 22:16 What things does Ananias command Paul to do in 22:16?

5. Acts 10:44-48 – Peter ministering to Cornelius and Gang What is true of Cornelius and his comrades according to vs. 47? How did Peter communicate to them that they should be baptized? Vs. 48 suggest?

6. Acts 16:14,15 – Paul, Luke, Timothy ministering to Lydia & family What do we know about this lady Lydia from vs. 14? Did she respond to the gospel? Who all got baptized? This is the first mention in the book of Acts of children possibly being baptized.

7. Acts 16:23-34 – Paul & Silas ministering to the Philippian Jailer & his family What did Paul and Silas say was necessary to be saved? Vs. 31 What did they do after this? Vs. 32 What did they do after this? Vs. 33 How did the jailer feel after all this? Vs. 34

8. Acts 18:7,8 – Paul ministering to Crispus & family & other Corinthians Who is he in vs. 7? For he, his family and the other Corinthians there, what two things did they do starting with the letter b? vs. 8 Which came first? 2nd instance of a whole family getting baptized.

9. Acts 19:1-7 – Paul ministering to “disciples” at Ephesus Who is Paul talking to in vs. 2? “some disciples” What did Paul do after they were baptized? Vs. 6

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