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A Husband’s Job Description Prayer Tool

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Greetings Husbands: I originally developed this as a pre-marital counseling tool minus the prayer requests. Then when I realized in June of 2017 that I was taking my wife for granted and not leading and pursuing her like I should, I turned this into a daily prayer tool. The transformation in me and in my marriage, has been significant. May the Holy Spirit use this tool to help you become the husband God called you to be!

I. We are to leave our parents and cleave to our wife and become one flesh – Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:5 Eph. 5:31 Father, please help me honor, but leave and have good boundaries with my parents, and to ever more cleave to my wife and become one in every way with her.

II. We are to give our wife happiness – especially during our first year of marriage. Deut. 24:5 Father show me creative ways to make my wife happy all the days of our life together.

III. We are to satisfy our sexual desires and needs with our wife alone – Prov. 5:15-19 Father help me to completely delight in my wife’s body, and to find sexual satisfaction in her alone.

IV. We are to enjoy life with our wife every day of our life – Ecc. 9:9 Father please show me how to enjoy life with my wife today!

V. We must take heed to our spirit (towards our wife) and not deal treacherously with her or divorce her – Mal. 2:13-16; Matt. 19:8,9 Father please root out of me all the things that lead to treachery and divorce. Wash me thoroughly from the root causes: impatience, scorn, scoffing, condescension, derision, mocking, abandonment, rejection, neglect, independence, hardness of heart, resentment, taking her for granted, unrighteously judging her, inappropriately correcting her, passivity, etc. Keep my spirit tender towards her.

VI. We are to satisfy our wife’s sexual desires and needs unselfishly – I Cor. 7:3-5 Father help me to always be ready to pursue intimacy with my wife – selflessly anticipating her sexual needs and desires.

VII. We are to please our wives – I Cor. 7:33. Father please show me every minute of every day how to please my wife.

VIII. We are to love our wife as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her – Eph. 5:25, 26 Father please help me today to love my wife as You loved the church and gave Yourself up for her. Help me to wash her with Your word that she might be sanctified and clean before You.

IX. We are to love our wife as our own bodies – Eph. 5: 28, 29 (nourishing and cherishing) Please help me today Father to love my wife as my own body – taking every opportunity to nourish and cherish her.

X. We must not be embittered against our wife – Col. 3:19 Father please help me not to unrighteously blame my wife, but instead to take responsibility for my own sins: to not be defensive, but to be quick to forgive my wife. May love cover many transgressions in our relationship today.

XI. We are to live with our wife in an understanding way – I Peter 3:7 Father please help me to live with my wife in an understanding way today. Give me revelation of what it means for her to be a weaker vessel and a woman.

XII. We are to grant our wife honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life – I Peter 3:7 Father please enable me to honor my wife as a fellow heir of the grace of life at every point today.

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