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Holy in the N.T. re: The Holy Spirit, God, Jesus
The Living Triune God of the Bible is referred to twice in the New Testament as being Love (I John 4:8, 16). He is referred to over 100...
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Preparing for Jesus’s Return- Luke 21:25-36
(This written sermon is the gist of what I preached on 9 19 21 out in our church parking lot, and the video of it has been posted at:...
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Disciples & Future Events - - Luke 21:5-24
(This is the gist of my sermon preached this morning back outside in our parking lot. It is now uploaded on our church youtube site -...
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Holiness in the Old Testament re: Nazarites
Num 6:5 - 'All the days of his vow of separation no razor shall pass over his head. He shall be holy until the days are fulfilled for...
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Holy in the Old Testament re: the Prophets
Perhaps I missed some occurrences of the words holy or holiness as relates to prophets. At this point, this is what I have. Mic 3:5 -...
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Holy in the Old Testament re: the Priests and Levites of God
Lev 21:6 - 'They shall be holy to their God and not profane the name of their God, for they present the offerings by fire to the LORD,...
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Holy in the Old Testament re: Angels
Deu 33:2 - He said, "The LORD came from Sinai, And dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, And He came from the midst...
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Holy in the O.T. re: Inanimate (places, things, etc)
This category of holiness in the Old Testament is by far the greatest in terms of occurrences. As you can see there are pages and pages...
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Holy and Holiness in the Old Testament re: the people of God
The following verses in the Old Testament all relate to God's call for His people to be a holy people. I offer them for your meditation...
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Holy & Holiness in the Old Testament re: our Triune God
Over the last weeks I have been compiling and sorting every reference to the word "holy" and "holiness" in the Old and New Testaments....
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