Kingdom Streams was born out of a growing revelation of the centrality of the Kingdom of God in the New Testament and an ever increasing conviction that only the truth, properly understood, practiced and submitted to, can set us free to be all that Christ has called us to be. It was also born out of a desire to bless all the streams or flavors of the Body of Christ by proclaiming the Kingdom’s very good news via a hopefully simple and user-friendly blog. And finally my great hope and prayer is that it might be used to bring much needed revival to Christ’s church in America, in Israel, and among the nations.
God began to speak to me about His great desire to revive His church right around my twentieth birthday, when a dear friend and mentor gave me E. M. Bound’s book, “Power through Prayer.” Since then many more readings of that book, occasional readings of the book of Acts, and readings of the recorded history of revivals throughout the nations has time after time revived me personally and renewed my faith and expectation that He is going to revive us again before He returns.
It is our hope that the ever growing body of material found herein would be of some use to those who want to know Jesus Christ better, seek His kingdom and righteousness first, and who want to be an agent of the coming revival. It is our great hope that the Holy Spirit would somehow use this blog to bring about the greatest revival and awakening the nations have ever known.
May the Holy Spirit pour out all the fullness of Christ on you and yours today.
I was born and raised in Knoxville, TN. My parents, two brothers and I were members of a Southern Baptist church that in my early days was not so full of the life of Christ, but began to be revived during my high school days. I was probably born again at a Young Life weekend retreat during my sophomore year if not earlier in one of our church services. During my high school and early college days, I was greatly impacted by our new pastor and youth leader and a couple of area youth ministers.
I moved to San Jose, CA, a few months before I turned twenty years old, at a point of spiritual and relational crisis and failure in my life. I quickly got involved with the Navigator ministry at San Jose State and with a community Bible church that together helped me begin to develop some stability in my walk with God.
I graduated from San Jose State Univ. with a B.S. in Social Science, and then went on to Dallas Theological Seminary where I received a ThM, majoring in Missions.
I met my wonderful wife of 41 years at SJSU and at our church. Other than our wonderful Savior, Anne has been by far the greatest grace in my life. After our years in Dallas, TX we joined Overseas Missionary Fellowship and served as missionaries in Hong Kong for four years. While there we discovered, largely through the ministry of Jackie Pullinger, that the body of Christ was wider than I thought, that all of the spiritual gifts listed in the Bible were still given, and that all of the offices listed in Ephesians 4:11 were still operative. We came back to the States with a bit of an agenda re: my newfound discoveries, and with an unhealthy ministry driven-ness. God graciously led us into a two and a half year wilderness purifying experience in Fort Wayne, IN, to deal with that (not that it isn’t still being dealt with).
Soon after that I began my 27+ years of ministry as Senior Pastor of the Los Osos Christian Fellowship in Los Osos, CA, which by the way has been re-named “The Well” (www.thewelllososos.com). I now serve as the associate pastor here, since my son, Joshua, became the lead pastor June 1st of 2015, so that has freed me up to pursue the creation of KingdomStreams.net. My daughter Caroline and her husband Brent are also very involved in our church. Each of our children and their spouses have given us a precious granddaughter and two precious grandsons.
God has graced me with many things over the years. Two of them for sure will color this website. First, He has given me a love for His every word recorded in scripture. I began reading the Bible through from cover to cover in a year in my 20th year and have done so pretty much every year since. I love tracing themes and subjects from Genesis ch. 1 to Revelation ch. 22, and then trying to synthesize them. Second, He has given me a love for the whole body of Christ. Because I have lived all over the world and because I lived my first 30 years in the non-charismatic world, and the last 30+ years more in the charismatic world, I’ve been privileged to be a part of many congregations and “streams” of the body of Christ. I’ve seen strengths and weaknesses and needed contributions to the fullness Christ is producing in His church in each one. And thus I believe this will be a safe website, mostly free from denominational or theological agendas.
I do invite your comments, both in how the website has proved helpful, and in how it could be more effective. Thanks to those who have already given me some very helpful input.
God bless you with an ever greater heart to know and follow our wonderful Savior, and to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.
In Him,